When people ask us what type of bagels we sell, they often cite ‘New York Bagels’ and ‘Montreal Bagels’ as comparisons. Call us biased, but whilst we do love the bagels on offer across the pond, we’re not looking to replicate what already exists. We wanted to create Glasgow’s very own brand of bagels.
At Brawsome Bagels, we believe in serving great food infused with the Glaswegian spirit. We were founded in 2021 during the midst of a global pandemic. It was a risky move, but we’re proud as punch about the food we sell and the mark we’re leaving on our local community.
All of our ingredients are ethically sourced from UK suppliers wherever possible, we’ve all-but eliminated food waste, we’re a certified living wage employer, and we pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our customers.
We don’t sell New York Bagels. We don’t sell Seattle Bagels. We sell Glasgow bagels; ethical, tasty food that’s bursting with personality.